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Mars4: June 2024 Monthly Recap

Greetings to our worldwide community, investors, and intrepid colonists from the Mars4 team. With June behind us, the team is happy to share the developments of the recent month which include several competitions, a new Karkanda variant, and the launch of Rare Lands!

An astronaut standing on the martian surface using high-tech devices

The biggest event of June was the launch of Rare Lands. These vast territories encompass particular geological landforms and regions on the red planet. Each Rare Land is several magnitudes larger than regular lands, allowing owners to establish truly enormous urban conglomerates upon the Martian surface. Each of these lands represents a chance to own a landmark in and of itself, a portion of Mars’ identity in effect.

Alongside the release of Mars’ Rare Lands, the team has launched the Karkanda Sentry, a new variant of the Karkanda mining vehicle. While this vehicle’s storied history involves establishing order on Earth, on Mars it has been given a new lease on life. Its greater plating allows for better protection in Mars’ more hostile and radioactive zones. Colonists looking to venture to riskier areas would find the Sentry provides a significant amount of protection.

The month continued with the release of the MCC update. The team has worked to bring greater coordination between the MCC and Survival Game resulting in the launch of Achievements. Now, colonists on the surface Mars or via the MCC are able to earn achievements and rewards while also displaying the efforts they’ve made in colonisation to any and all.

With a goal to enhance the Mars4 community beyond content releases, the team has also put forward several events including the Martian Meme Madness and Mars4 Building Competitions whose winners will have received their due rewards. Additionally, a celebration was held thanks to reaching 40K downloads on Galxe! These efforts notably affect the ability of Mars4 to expand its outreach as well as bring in new players to the surface.

Finally, this month has seen two additional extra milestones achieved with regards to the Mars Battle game. The first is the listing and validation of Mars Battle on Magic Square and the second is an AMA with Bitrue. These two events serve to improve the team’s access to wider audiences while boosting Mars Battle.

With July ahead and the year now halfway finished, the team looks forward to once again bringing forth solid results for players and investors across the globe. With that in mind, as always, we look forward to hearing from our community as they settle, mine, drive, or even fly across the face of the red planet!

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