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M4: May 2023 Short Review

Hello to our community from the Mars4 team. This month, we’re keen to share our newsletter about the most recent developments. May sees the introduction of several updates that we’re proud to share: the women of the Venus Mission, Mars Incognita, and another round of community pool distributions.

The Second Wave arrives on Mars and showcases its excellent aptitude for mining. The largest event of this month is the arrival of the second generation of Mars colonists. This all-female crew are experts in mining and can produce quite astounding levels of resources when put to work via the MCC. Now they are here and playable in the 3D game as they take their first steps on the surface of the red planet.

Much like in the MCC, colonists of the second wave are also able to produce better results when mining in the 3D game! Be sure to make use of their skills to maximize your colonization efforts on the Martian frontier.

May has also seen the release of a new update for the 3D game. This update, Mars Incognita, adds beacons and mapping mechanics to the game as well as a more advanced minimap. The mechanics seek to introduce an exploration element to the game. The development team is more than aware that by this stage, veterans of the single-player likely know the single-player map inside and out, but these mechanics have been introduced in anticipation of the multiplayer release. With the multiplayer release featuring each landowner's unique lands, the exploration content will provide greater immersion to colonists on the surface as they set out upon their pristine lands.

In addition, May has seen another community vote put through for the distribution of the community pool. The vote was in favor of the distribution and has been concluded.

With May behind us, we hope you enjoy the introduction of the new mechanics and look forward to hearing your feedback as we continue toward the full release.

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